David Hammer, CPA

Certified Public Accountant


David Hammer, CPA
15 Valley View Dr
South Hadley, MA 01075
Phone 413-650-0738
Fax 866-762-7963
E-Mail hammercpa@gmail.com

I'm unable to accept new clients at this time!

Welcome to my website. My name is David Hammer, and I'm a Certified Public Accountant with over 20 years of public accounting experience based in South Hadley, Massachusetts.  My clients experience timely service, subject matter expertise, and professionalism, making the headaches and frustration associated with complex income tax and accounting issues a thing of the past.

Feel free to review what some of my clients have said about my services in the testimonial section of this website.

Getting your tax documents to me this season:

Send documents electronically.  On this website, I have a link to send documents to me securely.  The link is also found in the signature section of my emails.  The link will take you to a portal where you can drag & drop files, or if using your phone, you can take pictures of your files.  You need to enter your email address, as well as your first and last name. After you submit, I’ll get notified right away, but it is always good to shoot me an email letting me know that you have uploaded the files so I can confirm that I received them.

Drop off mail slot - The door at the back of the house right next to the garage has a mail slot. You can come by anytime and drop off an envelope without making an appointment.

Mail your documents – Many clients choose to mail their documents.  My recommendation would be to send it 2-3 day priority mail (includes tracking) without requiring a signature.  

In-Person Meeting - I'm back to taking in-person meetings again this tax season.  The link to schedule an appointment can be found on this website and in my email signature section. 

You can also schedule a phone call or zoom meeting using the same scheduling app.